• Download Game Of Thrones Season 6 Ep 6

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    Spoilers through Season 6 of 'Game of Thrones' follow.

    Sunday night's episode of Game of Thrones was packed full of huge reveals, sneaky political maneuvers, and the return of characters we haven't seen in a long, long time.

    May 29, 2016 - In Sunday night's episode, the faith militant, responsible for Cersei's walk of shame, earned their strongest convert yet.

    From the frozen North to the streets of Braavos, "Blood Of My Blood" represents a turning point for the season, and for the show itself, as we press forward into new territory.

    Let's start where we left off last week, with the death of Hodor as he held the door against a tide of evil. Look there, into the night, into the swirling snow. Two shadows, sloughing through the forest. One is running, pulling the other on a stretcher behind her.

    The girl, Meera, drags Bran as he flashes through vision after vision. He sees the Mad King as he orders his men to "burn them all" with wildfire. He sees himself fall from the tower, pushed by Jaime Lannister. He sees his father as a young man. He sees the Night King (Night's King in the books.) And all the while he doesn't wake, until Meera collapses from weariness. Then Bran opens his eyes. "They've found us," he says.


    And sure enough, the dead come running toward them. Then a rider shows up, a masked man clad all in black. I thought we might finally see Cold Hands, a character from the books we haven't seen yet, this week, as a convenient savior for Meera and Bran. Cold Hands rides in with a flaming mace and some other handy skeleton-killing weapons, and scoops up the two just in the nick of time. They ride off.

    Let's start where we left off last week, with the death of Hodor as he held the door against a tide of evil. Look there, into the night, into the swirling snow. Two shadows, sloughing through the forest. One is running, pulling the other on a stretcher behind her.

    The girl, Meera, drags Bran as he flashes through vision after vision. He sees the Mad King as he orders his men to 'burn them all' with wildfire. He sees himself fall from the tower, pushed by Jaime Lannister. He sees his father as a young man. He sees the Night King (Night's King in the books.) And all the while he doesn't wake, until Meera collapses from weariness. Then Bran opens his eyes. 'They've found us,' he says.

    And sure enough, the dead come running toward them. Then a rider shows up, a masked man clad all in black. I thought we might finally see Cold Hands, a character from the books we haven't seen yet, this week, as a convenient savior for Meera and Bran. Cold Hands rides in with a flaming mace and some other handy skeleton-killing weapons, and scoops up the two just in the nick of time. They ride off.

    Later, we discover the big news, the fan theory finally confirmed: Cold Hands is Benjen Stark, Ned's brother and Bran's uncle. But when he shows us his face, it's transformed. He's half-turned, we discover, after a White Walker's blade pierced him. The Children of the Forest saved him and pierced his heart with Dragon Glass, which---I guess, if applied correctly---can actually stop someone from changing, though it's also used to create White Walkers. I'm not sure of the magic, to be honest. I'm just stoked to see Benjen return.

    Benjen is a servant of the Three-Eyed Raven now, and tells Bran that he is the Three-Eyed Raven now. 'But I have so much to learn,' Bran says. 'I'm not ready.'

    The Night King is coming, one way or another, to the realms of men his uncle replies. 'And when he gets there,' Benjen says, 'you'll be waiting for him.' (I paraphrase. Suffice to say, Bran as the Three-Eyed Raven plays a crucial role in confronting the Night King.)

    All of this is pretty huge as far as the story goes. We continue to move into territory that hasn't been touched on by the books, and if Martin goes the same route as the show, we just got hit hard with yet another spoiler. It could very well be that this isn't the same version of Cold Hands as Martin's. We shall see.

    In any case, that's all the North we get. Let's fly on our merry way, through the swirling snow and over this high wall of ice. Notice Castle Black as we fly, the little dark shapes of Crows milling about its courtyard. Somewhere not too far off Jon and Sansa are riding to rally the North, though we won't see them this week. We won't see Brienne either, as she makes her way to Riverrun, though we'll need to speak more about that soon.

    Rather, let's fly across the Narrow Sea to...


    Here, a girl is on a mission. A girl has no name, but she seems amused now rather than perturbed by the play she watches. She laughs at Joffrey's death, as though seeing it here---even in its bastardized form---is somehow cathartic. She also notices the young actress, Bianca, jealous of the older woman who plays Cersei, mouthing her lines.

    So the girl sneaks inside before the curtains fall, and poisons the older actress's drink. But on her way out, the girl is noticed by her target, and drawn into a conversation. The woman's name is Lady Crane, the diva of Izembaro's Braavosi acting troupe, and someone who, we learn, has made many in her company jealous.

    When Lady Crane tells the girl she thinks the writing is terrible, the girl says 'Why don't you change it?' She tells the actress that Cersei would not have merely wept at the death of her child. She would have gotten angry. Then the girl leaves, and we see Lady Crane go to take a deadly drink, but the girl swoops in and knocks it from her hand. 'Be careful of that one,' she says, pointing to Bianca. 'She wants you dead.'

    Another girl is watching all of this. Jaqen H'ghar's helper. She goes to tell him what's happened, and reminds him that if the girl failed, he promised her she'd be the one to go and kill her.

    Meanwhile, the girl gives up on her career as a Faceless Man, and goes back to where she buried her sword, Needle.

    Arya pulls it from the rocks, like Arthur drawing Excalibur from the stone. And just like that she returns to us.

    (This is yet another of my predictions for Season Six to come true. You can read the full ten here. I'm not doing badly as far as predictions go, but I've had both hits and misses so far.)

    Soon we'll get a show down between the two girls, and Arya will stick that mean little punk with the pointy end. That's my guess anyways.

    Let's hop on a ship and sail back across the Narrow sea. We'll make our first stop...

    Horn Hill

    The elegant castle of House Tarly, Sam's birthplace, is quite striking, and almost Romanesque. Here, Sam plans to leave Gilly and their 'son' Sam. He warns her not to mention she's a Wildling, because his father Randyll 'doesn't like Wildlings much.'

    Turns out, Lord Randyll doesn't like much of anything, least of all his firstborn son, Sam. The old Lord is rude, condescending, and mean-spirited. He glares openly at his son, who he hasn't seen in years, and then mocks his rotundness. When Gilly stands up for him, she tells the astonished family that Sam is a hero. He's killed a Thenn (the creepy cannibal Wildlings) and a White Walker.

    To that, Gilly receives bemused chuckles and disbelief. There's no such thing as White Walkers, of course. But she insists, and in her recounting of Sam's heroics, lets slip a key detail about her identity. When Randyll discovers she's a Wildling, he gets even worse and more vicious, to the point that his wife, Lady Melessa, and Sam's sister Talla, leave the room with Gilly in a huff.

    Painfully awkward silence follows, as Sam, Lord Randyll, and Sam's younger brother Dickon are the only ones to remain at the table.

    The most important detail to come out of the dinner, however, was Lord Randyll's possession of their family sword: Heartsbane. This is one of the few Valyrian steel blades in Westeros. Jon has Longclaw. Brienne has Oathkeeper, a Valyrian steel blade made from Eddard Stark's greatsword, Ice.

    What we know of Valyrian steel is that it's one thing that can slay a White Walker. That makes Sam stealing Heartsbane all the more wonderful. I didn't expect him to make such a bold, and quite honestly dangerous, move. No doubt, if Lord Randyll catches him, Sam will not be long for the world. On the other hand, this puts Valyrian steel into the hands of one of the only people to ever kill a White Walker (along with, as far as we know, Jon and Meera.)

    Horn Hill is near Highgarden. We'll fly over the Tyrell's castle, now emptied of soldiers, as we make our way to...

    King's Landing

    Jaime is so disappointed in his son. (Credit: HBO)

    Here yet another of my predictions has come true, while another has proved false. In my predictions post, I speculated that 'there will be blood' between the Sparrows and the Lannisters. But just the other week, I also noted that the High Sparrow was playing Lannister and Tyrell alike for fools by telling Tommen that Queen Margaery would be forced to make the walk of atonement.

    Well, no blood was spilled, but the High Sparrow certainly played the nobility for fools. He managed to get Margaery to convince young Tommen to support the Faith, and to essentially form a united front between crown and church. Tommen, pliable as he is, obliged. So when Jaime and the Tyrell men-at-arms, along with Lord Tyrell and the Queen of Thorns, all show up on the steps of the High Sept, ready for battle, the High Sparrow simply has the young king and his king's guard stroll out. Tommen takes Margaery's hand and announces the brave new world they'll create together, boy king and High Sparrow united.

    Jaime looks annoyed. Mace Tyrell looks confused. The Queen of Thorns realizes at once how badly they were all just beaten.

    In my latest Game of Thrones video, I talk about the High Sparrow and why I like him as a villain so much. If you've got a moment to watch, please let me know what you think down in the comments. Who is your favorite villain (or semi-villain) in the show?

    Destination Riverrun

    Back in the Red Keep, Tommen strips Jaime of his rank as Lord Commander of the King's Guard. This reminds me of Joffrey's decision to strip Ser Barristan Selmy of his position as Lord Commander, not long before Joffrey swallowed some poison. I don't think Tommen is going to last very long, with Jaime gone, Cersei preparing to stand trial, and his uncle Kevan Lannister very nearly incapable of actual human speech. (Kevan is no Tywin, that's for sure.)

    So Jaime is instead ordered to go march on Riverrun, to take back the castle of House Tully from the Blackfish, Catelyn Stark's uncle. The Freys have lost it (though 'lost' is the wrong word for losing a castle, Lord Walder Frey tells his hapless sons when they give him the news.) Once again, Jaime will be in the Riverlands, while Freys and Tullys fight. What he does when he gets there remains to be seen, but I think perhaps we'll start to see Jaime change.

    After all, Brienne is also riding for Riverrun and the Blackfish, to try to enlist his support against Ramsay Bolton. Sounds like the man will be plenty busy fighting off Lannisters and Freys, however. Oh, and we finally see Edmure Tully, Catelyn's brother, again for the first time since the Red Wedding.

    Edmure is played by Tobias Menzies in the show, a fact I'd forgotten until tonight. As someone who is now also watching Outlander on Starz, this is somewhat problematic. Menzies' performance on that show is remarkable and extremely disturbing. I'm going to have a hard time seeing him as Edmure so soon after seeing him as Captain Jack Randall. But I digress.

    Suffice to say, things are going to heat up in the Riverlands. We also hear of the Brotherhood without Banners, which makes me wonder if we'll see that Merry Band of outlaws again, and if so...will we once again see Lady Stoneheart?

    With Benjen returned, and Jon resurrected, and Gregor Clegane brought back as Zombie Mountain, I say anything is possible. I'm definitely excited to see Jaime and Brienne heading toward one another once again, unwittingly, as they each ride with separate quests to Riverrun.

    We, on the other hand, will fly East to...

    Somewhere in the desert, where the Dothraki ride.

    In that video I posted up above, I mention another theory that's been gaining momentum in my mind: That Danaerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, and various other titles, is not a hero at all. This scene made me start to believe this even more.

    Daario Naharis and Dany talk as they ride, and the roguish mercenary tells her that she isn't meant to sit on a throne. 'You're a conqueror,' he says. The implication is that she's very good at beating the pants off her enemies, and much less skillful when it comes to actually governing. Meereen is a good example of this.

    Then she goes off, finds her dragon Drogo, and rides down to give yet another inspiring speech to her barbarian horde. Two thoughts about this. First, the show needs to stop doing rousing speeches. Earlier, Mace Tyrell's speech to his men about ending the madness in the streets of King's Landing was supposed to be seen as somewhat silly and bumbling. We were supposed to smirk at him like Jaime does, this stupid Lord playing soldier. But Dany's speech isn't any better.

    She's quite literally planning to bring thousands of barbarian raiders and highly trained slave warriors across the sea to Westeros, where they will 'knock down their stone houses' and take back what's hers. Dany wants to take back what's hers, even though she's never spent a day of her grown life in the Seven Kingdoms, knows virtually nothing about them, and is so bloodthirsty and ambitious in her need to rule over yet another kingdom, that she'd be willing to bring a horde of murderous, raping, thieving, killers along with her for the ride, almost certainly leading to far more death and destruction and mayhem than has already been visited upon that land.

    She's the daughter of a man who ruled over Westeros with such monstrous actions that he was deemed the Mad King. A king who burned Ned Stark's father and brother to death, and would have burned thousands more had Jaime Lannister not killed him.

    So is Dany really a hero? Can she possibly be a hero when we know what we know? Why is the Iron Throne hers to begin with? The Targaryens conquered Westeros a long time ago and made it theirs, but then they were beaten, soundly, by the Baratheons and Starks. At this point, Dany is more foreigner than local. She goes everywhere with a sense of entitlement and righteousness that's as arrogant as it is dangerous. And quite frankly, I'm not sure she'd be very good at ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

    Maybe Daenerys is a villain, too.

    A villain with dragons and a barbarian horde.

    Maybe just the sort of villain the world needs, of course, given the impending doom coming down from the North. But still, not exactly someone I'm rooting for at this point.


    Yet another fantastic episode this season, if not quite so traumatic as last week's. Benjen is back, Edmure is back, Jaime and Brienne are both headed to the Riverlands, and Sam stole a Valyrian steel blade from his prick of a father. Best of all, Arya is out of that spooky death cult and is, hopefully, going to make her way back to Westeros. We didn't get any Iron Islands, Dorne, or Jon/Sansa stuff this week, but that's okay. There was plenty here to chew on.

    What did you think?

    Game of Thrones (season 6)
    Starring See List of Game of Thrones cast
    Country of origin United States
    No. of episodes 10
    Original network HBO
    Original release April 24 –
    June 26, 2016
    Season chronology
    Season 5
    List of Game of Thrones episodes

    The sixth season of the fantasydrama television series Game of Thrones premiered on HBO on April 24, 2016, and concluded on June 26, 2016. It consists of ten episodes, each of approximately 50–60 minutes long, largely of original content not found in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Some story elements were derived from the novels and from information Martin revealed to the show-runners.[1] The series was adapted for television by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. HBO ordered the season on April 8, 2014, together with the fifth season, which began filming in July 2015[2][3] primarily in Northern Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Iceland and Canada. The entire season cost over $100 million to produce.[4]

    The season follows the continuing struggle between the Starks and other noble families of Westeros for the Iron Throne. The Starks defeat the Bolton forces in the 'Battle of the Bastards', culminating with Sansa Stark feeding her tormenting husband Ramsay Bolton — who had earlier murdered his father Roose and stepfamily — to his starving hounds, and Jon Snow is proclaimed the King in the North. Tyrion attempts to rule Meereen while Daenerys is held captive by a Dothraki tribe. At King's Landing, the Tyrell army attempts to liberate Margaery and Loras, but Margaery capitulates to the High Sparrow, who becomes more powerful by influencing King Tommen. At her trial, Cersei burns the Great Sept — killing her rivals — and is later crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, while Tommen commits suicide. Ellaria Sand and three of Oberyn Martell's daughters kill Doran and Trystane Martell and seize control of Dorne. In Essos, Daenerys Targaryen is captured by Khal Moro who takes her before the khals; she burns them alive and takes command of the Dothraki. Olenna and the Dornish ally with Daenerys.

    Game of Thrones features a large ensemble cast, including Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington. The season introduced new cast members, including Max von Sydow, Pilou Asbæk and Essie Davis.

    Critics praised its production values, writing, plot development, and cast. Game of Thrones received most nominations for the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards, with 23 nominations, and won twelve, including that for Outstanding Drama Series for the second year in a row. U.S. viewership rose compared to the previous season, and by approximately 13% over its course, from 7.9 million to 8.9 million by the finale.

    • 2Cast
      • 2.2Guest cast
    • 3Production
    • 4Reception
    • 5Release


    No. in
    TitleDirected byWritten byOriginal air dateU.S. viewers
    51 1 'The Red Woman' Jeremy Podeswa David Benioff & D. B. Weiss April 24, 2016 7.94[5]
    Ser Davos, Edd, and several loyalists bolt themselves inside a room with Jon's body; Edd leaves Castle Black to go for help. Alliser Thorne assumes command of the Night's Watch. At Winterfell, Ramsay mourns Myranda, while Sansa and Theon are chased by Bolton men. Brienne and Podrick arrive, killing the pursuers. Sansa formally accepts Brienne into her service. Jaime arrives in King's Landing with Myrcella's body and vows to Cersei to avenge their daughter's death. Obara and Nymeria murder Trystane, and, in Sunspear, Ellaria and Theme kill Doran and Areo Hotah, after Doran learns of Myrcella's death. In Meereen, Tyrion and Varys learn ships are burning in the harbor. Jorah and Daario continue tracking Daenerys, who the Dothraki take to Khal Moro. In Braavos, Arya lives on the streets as a blind beggar, beaten daily by the Waif. In her bedchamber, Melisandre removes her bejeweled necklace to reveal she is an elderly, frail woman.
    52 2 'Home' Jeremy Podeswa Dave Hill May 1, 2016 7.29[6]
    Brandon visits Winterfell in a vision of the past, and sees Eddard, Benjen, and their sister Lyanna, as well as a young Hodor. Edd arrives back at Castle Black with Tormund and a group of Wildlings, imprisoning Thorne and the other mutineers. Tommen asks Cersei to teach him how to be strong. Tyrion learns that Astapor and Yunkai have reverted to slavery. He goes to the catacombs and unchains Rhaegal and Viserion, though does not release them. In Braavos, the Waif attacks Arya daily before H'ghar appears and recruits her again. Lady Walda, Roose's wife, gives birth to a male heir, prompting Ramsay to murder Roose, Lady Walda, and their infant son. Brienne tells Sansa that Arya is still alive. Theon returns to the Iron Islands, where his uncle Euron reappears and murders King Balon. Melisandre attempts and apparently fails to resurrect Jon, but after everyone leaves the room, Jon revives.
    53 3 'Oathbreaker' Daniel Sackheim David Benioff & D. B. Weiss May 8, 2016 7.28[7]
    En route to Oldtown, Samwell Tarly is first taking Gilly and Little Sam to Horn Hill to stay with his family while he trains to be a Maester. In a vision, Brandon sees a young Eddard Stark and Howland Reed, Meera's father, defeat Kingsguardmen loyal to the Targaryens at the Tower of Joy in Dorne. Varys discovers that the masters of Astapor, Yunkai, and Volantis have been financing the Sons of the Harpy. In King's Landing, Tommen convenes with the High Sparrow while Jaime and Cersei interrupt a small council meeting, only to be shunned by Kevan Lannister and the Tyrells. Cersei's bodyguard is revealed to be Gregor Clegane. The Waif rigorously trains Arya, whose sight was restored after accepting herself as 'no-one'. In Winterfell, Lord Umber asks for Ramsay's help to protect the North from the Wildlings, presenting Rickon and Osha as a 'gift,' along with the head of Shaggydog, Rickon's direwolf. Jon executes Thorne, Olly, and the other mutineers who attacked him. He renounces his oath and puts Tollett in charge of the Night's Watch.
    54 4 'Book of the Stranger' Daniel Sackheim David Benioff & D. B. Weiss May 15, 2016 7.82[8]
    Sansa, along with Brienne and Podrick, arrives at Castle Black where she is reunited with Jon. In Meereen, Tyrion offers the slave masters of Slaver's Bay peace if slavery is abolished within seven years, an action that angers former slaves. Littlefinger returns to the Vale to mobilize soldiers against Ramsay. Naharis learns about Mormont's greyscale as they arrive in Vaes Dothrak. In King's Landing, Margaery visits Loras while Cersei, Jaime, Kevan, and Olenna shelve their differences and plot to defeat the Sparrows. Theon arrives at Pyke and tells Yara he will support her claim at the Kingsmoot. In Winterfell, Osha attempts to assassinate Ramsay but he kills her. Ramsay sends Jon a message, threatening to harm Rickon unless Sansa is returned. Sansa convinces Jon to retake Winterfell. Daenerys meets with the Khals in the temple of the Dosh Khaleen; after they refuse to serve her, she ignites the temple, fatally burning the Khals and Moro. When she emerges unhurt, the Dothraki bend the knee.
    55 5 'The Door' Jack Bender David Benioff & D. B. Weiss May 22, 2016 7.89[9]
    Sansa meets with Littlefinger, who offers the Vale's forces and says that her great uncle, Brynden Tully, is building an army in Riverrun; she declines his help. Jon and Sansa leave Castle Black to gather the other Northern houses' support. Sansa sends Brienne to Brynden. In Braavos, Arya is given a second chance and assigned to assassinate an actress named Lady Crane. Beyond the Wall, Brandon learns that the Children of the Forest created the White Walkers to protect themselves from the First Men. In the Iron Islands, Euron wins the Kingsmoot despite confessing to killing Balon, causing Yara and Theon to flee. In Essos, Daenerys orders Jorah Mormont to find a cure for his greyscale and then return. In Meereen, a red priestess named Kinvara meets Tyrion and Varys and promises to support Daenerys. Brandon's unaccompanied vision allows the Night King to physically touch him, making the cave vulnerable. The Night King, along with White Walkers and hordes of wights, attack the cave, killing the Three-Eyed Raven, several Children, Summer, and Hodor, whose younger self is shown to have been rendered mentally disabled by Brandon's interaction.
    56 6 'Blood of My Blood' Jack Bender Bryan Cogman May 29, 2016 6.71[10]
    Meera escapes into the forest with Bran who is still immersed in his visions. He awakens just as the wights find them but a mysterious man saves them. Samwell and Gilly reach Horn Hill, the Tarly family estate. After Sam's father, Randyll, demeans Gilly for being a Wildling, Sam takes her to the Citadel with him. He also takes House Tarly's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane. Arya warns Lady Crane that she is to be assassinated, then returns to the House of Black and White and retrieves Needle. H'ghar approves the Waif's request to kill Arya. Jaime attempts to rescue Margaery from the Faith Militant, only to find she has repented and Tommen has forged an alliance with the Faith. He removes Jaime from the Kingsguard and orders him to help Walder Frey, who is holding Edmure Tully hostage, and to retake Riverrun from Brynden. Benjen Stark, the man who saved Meera and Brandon, says he was turned by the White Walkers but later unturned by the Children using Dragonglass. Daenerys mounts Drogon and declares to the Dothraki that they will sail across the Narrow Sea to conquer Westeros.
    57 7 'The Broken Man' Mark Mylod Bryan Cogman June 5, 2016 7.80[11]
    Sandor Clegane is alive and living a simple, non-violent life, having been saved by a Septon and his followers. When rogue Brotherhood members threaten and eventually slaughter the group, Clegane seeks revenge. Margaery convinces Olenna to return to Highgarden after the High Sparrow says that he will pursue Olenna following her attempt to engage the Faith. Jon, Sansa, and Davos recruit the Wildlings and House Mormont to their cause, but remain outnumbered by the Boltons. In desperation, Sansa sends a message to the Vale, asking for aid. Jaime arrives in Riverrun with Bronn, and assume command of the siege. Jaime unsuccessfully parleys with Brynden. Theon and Yara spend their last night in Volantis, then sail to Meereen to ally with Daenerys. Arya prepares to return to Westeros until the Waif, disguised as an old crone, viciously stabs her.
    58 8 'No One' Mark Mylod David Benioff & D. B. Weiss June 12, 2016 7.60[12]
    Tommen abolishes trial by combat to Cersei's dismay, who planned to win with Ser Gregor as her champion. Brienne arrives in Riverrun and fails to persuade Brynden to surrender. After Jaime threatens to kill Edmure's infant son, Edmure enters the castle and orders the Tully forces to stand down. Brynden is killed fighting the Lannisters. Brienne and Podrick escape. Varys departs Meereen on an unknown mission. Meereen comes under naval assault by the slaving cities, but Daenerys returns on Drogan. Sandor Clegane encounters Berric Dondarrion and Myr Thoros, who have captured the rogue Brothers and allow Clegane to help execute them. They ask Clegane to join the Brotherhood. Arya is taken in by Lady Crane, who tends her wounds. The Waif finds Arya, kills Lady Crane, and pursues Arya through the streets. Arya leads the Waif into the darkened catacombs and kills her, using Needle and the fighting skills she acquired while blind. Arya returns the Waif's face to the House's column-collection-room and declares to H'ghar that she is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and she is going home.
    59 9 'Battle of the Bastards' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D. B. Weiss June 19, 2016 7.66[13]
    Daenerys meets with three slave masters to negotiate a surrender, but they refuse. Riding Drogon, as Rhaegal and Viserion assist, Daenerys attacks and burns the slavers' fleet. Grey Worm kills two of the masters, leaving one alive to report what he witnessed. After the battle, Theon and Yara meet with Daenerys and Tyrion and form an alliance. Near Winterfell, the Stark and Bolton armies meet on the battle field. Ramsay feigns releasing Rickon, then kills him with an arrow as he runs toward Jon. In the battle, the Stark forces are pinned by Bolton soldiers until the Knights of the Vale arrive and overwhelm them. Ramsay takes refuge inside Winterfell, but the Wildling giant Wun Wun breaches the gate. Ramsay is taken prisoner; Sansa later watches as Ramsay's starving hounds devour him.
    60 10 'The Winds of Winter' Miguel Sapochnik David Benioff & D. B. Weiss June 26, 2016 8.89[14]
    Before her trial, Cersei destroys the Sept of Baelor by wildfire, killing the High Sparrow, Margaery, Mace, and Loras Tyrell, Lancel, and Kevan Lannister, along with hundreds of King's Landing nobles and the Faith Militant, while Qyburn has Pycelle killed. Distraught over Margaery's death, Tommen commits suicide. In Dorne, Varys meets with Olenna and Ellaria, seeking an alliance between Daenerys and their Houses against the Lannisters. Davos confronts Melisandre over Shireen's death, and Jon banishes her from Winterfell. The Wildlings, the Knights of the Vale and the surviving northern Houses pledge loyalty to Jon as the King in the North. Sansa rebuffs Littlefinger's sexual advances. Arya kills Walder Frey and his sons. Samwell Tarly and Gilly reach the Citadel in Oldtown. Benjen accompanies Brandon and Meera as far as the Wall but is unable to pass through with them. Using his powers, Brandon learns that Jon is the son of Lyanna Stark and was adopted by Eddard after she died during Robert's rebellion. When Jaime returns to King's Landing, Cersei has been crowned the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Daenerys sets sail for Westeros with her supporters, armies, and dragons, leaving Naharis and the Second Sons behind to rule over Meereen.

    Download Game Of Thrones Season 6 Ep 6 Free


    Main cast[edit]

    • Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister[15]
    • Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister[15]
    • Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister[15]
    • Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen[15]
    • Kit Harington as Jon Snow[16][17]
    • Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth[18]
    • Carice van Houten as Melisandre[15]
    • Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell[15]
    • Indira Varma as Ellaria Sand[15]
    • Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark[15]
    • Maisie Williams as Arya Stark[15]
    • Conleth Hill as Varys[15]
    • Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy[15]
    • Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth[15]
    • Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow[15]
    • Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis[15]
    • Michael McElhatton as Roose Bolton[15]
    • Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton[15]
    • Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont[15]
    • Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei[15]
    • Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane[15]
    • Tom Wlaschiha as Jaqen H'ghar[15]
    • Dean-Charles Chapman as Tommen Baratheon[15]
    • Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark[15]
    • John Bradley as Samwell Tarly[15]
    • Hannah Murray as Gilly[15]
    • Aidan Gillen as Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish[15]
    • Rory McCann as Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane[19]
    • Jerome Flynn as Bronn[15]

    Guest cast[edit]

    The recurring actors listed here are those who appeared in season 6. They are listed by the region in which they first appear:

    In the North, including the Wall[edit]

    • Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne[20]
    • Natalia Tena as Osha[21]
    • Art Parkinson as Rickon Stark[21]
    • Owen Teale as Alliser Thorne[20]
    • Ben Crompton as Eddison Tollett[20]
    • Brenock O'Connor as Olly[22]
    • Charlotte Hope as Myranda[19]
    • Elizabeth Webster as Walda Bolton[23]
    • Paul Rattray as Harald Karstark[19]
    • Dean Jagger as Smalljon Umber[24]
    • Tim McInnerny as Robett Glover[25]
    • Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont[26]
    • Sean Blowers as Wyman Manderly
    • Tom Varey as Cley Cerwyn
    • Richard Rycroft as Maester Wolkan
    • Michael Condron as Bowen Marsh[27]
    • Brian Fortune as Othell Yarwyck[28]
    • Ian Whyte as Wun Wun[29]
    • Murray McArthur as Dim Dalba

    Beyond the Wall[edit]

    • Max von Sydow as the Three-eyed Raven[30]
    • Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed[31]
    • Kristian Nairn as Hodor[21]
    • Joseph Mawle as Benjen Stark[32]
    • Kae Alexander as Leaf[33]
    • Vladimir 'Furdo' Furdik as the Night King[34]

    In the Riverlands[edit]

    • David Bradley as Walder Frey[35]
    • Clive Russell as Brynden Tully[36]
    • Tobias Menzies as Edmure Tully[37]
    • Richard Dormer as Beric Dondarrion[38]
    • Paul Kaye as Thoros of Myr[39]
    • Tim Plester as Black Walder Rivers[35]
    • Daniel Tuite as Lothar Frey[40]
    • Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Lem
    • Ricky Champ as Gatins[41]
    • Ian Davies as Morgan
    • Ian McShane as Brother Ray[42]

    On the Iron Islands[edit]

    • Gemma Whelan as Yara Greyjoy[43]
    • Patrick Malahide as Balon Greyjoy[44]
    • Pilou Asbæk as Euron Greyjoy[45]
    • Michael Feast as Aeron Greyjoy[19]

    In Dorne[edit]

    • Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell[46]
    • Toby Sebastian as Trystane Martell[46]
    • Jessica Henwick as Nymeria Sand[47]
    • Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand[47]
    • Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand[48]
    • DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah[47]

    In King's Landing[edit]

    • Diana Rigg as Olenna Tyrell[15]
    • Julian Glover as Grand Maester Pycelle[49]
    • Finn Jones as Loras Tyrell[50]
    • Anton Lesser as Qyburn[34]
    • Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Mace Tyrell[51]
    • Eugene Simon as Lancel Lannister[34]
    • Ian Gelder as Kevan Lannister[52]
    • Hannah Waddingham as Septa Unella[44]
    • Nell Tiger Free as Myrcella Baratheon[53]
    • Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Gregor Clegane[54]
    • Josephine Gillan as Marei
    • Nathanael Saleh as Arthur
    • Annette Hannah as Frances

    In the Vale[edit]

    • Lino Facioli as Robin Arryn[55]
    • Rupert Vansittart as Yohn Royce[56]

    In Braavos[edit]

    • Faye Marsay as the Waif[34]
    • Richard E. Grant as Izembaro[57]
    • Essie Davis as Lady Crane[58]
    • Leigh Gill as Bobono
    • Eline Powell as Bianca
    • Rob Callender as Clarenzo
    • Kevin Eldon as Camello[59]

    In Meereen[edit]

    • Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm[44]
    • George Georgiou as Razdal mo Eraz
    • Eddie Jackson as Belicho Paenymion
    • Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan zo Qaggaz[19]
    • Ania Bukstein as Kinvara[60]
    • Gerald Lepkowski as Zanrush
    • Meena Rayann as Vala

    In Vaes Dothrak[edit]

    • Joe Naufahu as Khal Moro[61]
    • Andrei Claude as Khal Rhalko
    • Tamer Hassan as Khal Forzho
    • Staz Nair as Qhono
    • Chuku Modu as Aggo[62]
    • Deon Lee-Williams as Iggo
    • Souad Faress as the High Priestess
    • Hannah John-Kamen as Ornella

    In the Reach[edit]

    • James Faulkner as Randyll Tarly[63]
    • Samantha Spiro as Melessa Tarly[63]
    • Freddie Stroma as Dickon Tarly[63]
    • Rebecca Benson as Talla Tarly[63]

    In flashbacks[edit]

    • Robert Aramayo & Sebastian Croft as Eddard Stark[64][65]
    • Matteo Elezi as Benjen Stark
    • Aisling Franciosi & Cordelia Hill as Lyanna Stark[66]
    • Wayne Foskett as Rickard Stark
    • Fergus Leathem as Rodrik Cassel
    • Annette Tierney as Old Nan
    • Sam Coleman as Hodor
    • Leo Woodruff as Howland Reed
    • Luke Roberts as Arthur Dayne
    • Eddie Eyre as Gerold Hightower
    • David Rintoul as Aerys II Targaryen[67]



    Download Game Of Thrones Season 6 Ep 6 Full

    The writing staff for the sixth season includes executive producers and showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, producer Bryan Cogman and Dave Hill. Author George R. R. Martin, who had written one episode for each of the first four seasons, did not write an episode for the sixth season, as he was working to finish writing the sixth A Song of Ice and Fire novel, The Winds of Winter.[68] The directing staff for the sixth season was Jeremy Podeswa (episodes 1 and 2), Daniel Sackheim (episodes 3 and 4), Jack Bender (episodes 5 and 6), Mark Mylod (episodes 7 and 8), and Miguel Sapochnik (episodes 9 and 10). Sackheim and Bender were first-time Game of Thrones directors, with the rest each having directed two episodes in the previous season.[69]


    With the end of the fifth season, the content of the show has reached the plot of the latest novel in Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Dance with Dragons. Season 6 director Jeremy Podeswa said in August 2015: 'Right now in season six, what we're shooting currently isn't based on anything in the book. It's fully based on discussions the writers have had with George Martin, because the series has now surpassed the books in terms of what's available.'[70] Actress Natalie Dormer, who plays Margaery Tyrell, later added that the show's writers 'know where it's got to go and what [George Martin]'s intentions for the characters are. But they are just filling in the gaps.'[71]

    The season premiere starts off right where the fifth season ended.[72] A plot from The Winds of Winter regarding a traveling theater troupe located in Braavos that stages a play called 'The Bloody Hand', about the events that have taken place in King's Landing since the beginning of the series, is included in the sixth season.[73]


    The Castle of Zafra in Guadalajara, Spain is among the filming locations.

    Filming for season six began in July 2015, and ended on December 17, 2015.[74] The budget for the sixth season increased compared to the previous seasons as each episode did cost over $10 million per episode, totaling over $100 million for the full season and setting a new high for the series.[75] The season filmed in five different countries, Northern Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Iceland and Canada.[76]

    Like the previous seasons, a large amount of production took place in Northern Ireland, mainly in Belfast and on the Causeway Coast, including film locations in the Binevenagh, Magilligan area which was used to film scenes for the Dothraki Grasslands, and Larrybane Quarry and Ballintoy Harbour, both used for scenes in the Iron Islands. The small village of Corbet was also used, for the siege of Riverrun. As in previous seasons, some of Castle Black was set at the abandoned Magheramorne quarry.[77]

    From September 3 to October 23, 2015 the show also filmed in Spain, specifically in Girona, Navarre, Peniscola, and Almería.[78][79] Some filming locations in Spain included the Castle of Zafra in Guadalajara, the Bardenas Reales Natural Park in Navarre, the Alcazaba in Almería, and the Castle of Santa Florentina in Canet de Mar.[80][81]

    In August 2015, HBO announced that for the first time since season 1, the show would not be filming any scenes in Croatia. The Croatian city of Dubrovnik has stood in for King's Landing since the beginning of season 2; nearby cities such as Klis, Split and Šibenik have been used to depict various other locations.[82] Contradicting the statement by HBO, cast of the show were seen in costume in Dubrovnik in October 2015.[83]

    Only a very small portion of the season was filmed in Canada (north of Calgary, Alberta): the scenes featuring Jon Snow's wolf Ghost (played by animal actor Quigly).[84] However, some of the special effects were created at Montreal's Rodeo FX studios which has won Emmy Awards previously for its work on the series.[85]


    Pilou Asbæk plays Euron Greyjoy.

    The sixth season saw the return of Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark, Kristian Nairn as Hodor, Ellie Kendrick as Meera Reed, Gemma Whelan as Yara Greyjoy, and Rory McCann as Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane, who did not appear in the fifth season.[21][43][86]Clive Russell, Tobias Menzies, Patrick Malahide, Richard Dormer and Paul Kaye also returned to the show as Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Balon Greyjoy, Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr after not appearing since the third season.[36][37][39][44]Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow was added to the series main cast after appearing in a recurring role in the previous season.[87]

    Across the Narrow Sea, Melanie Liburd plays a Red priestess from Asshai who is in R'hllor's service.[88] At the Reach, House Tarly is introduced, with Freddie Stroma joining the cast as Samwell Tarly's brother Dickon Tarly, a character who was mentioned in the novels but has yet to appear in them.[89] Other members of House Tarly that were introduced were Randyll Tarly, played by James Faulkner; Melessa Tarly, played by Samantha Spiro and Talla Tarly, who was portrayed by Rebecca Benson.[90]

    Veteran actor Max von Sydow was cast to play the Three-Eyed-Raven, who is training Bran.[30] The character was previously played by Struan Rodger in the fourth-season finale 'The Children'. David Bradley confirmed in August 2015, that he would be returning to the show as Walder Frey after last appearing in the third-season finale 'Mhysa', but he did not confirm when he would be returning.[91] After the second official trailer was released, it was confirmed that Bradley would appear in the sixth season.[35] Danish actor Pilou Asbæk joins the show as Theon Greyjoy's uncle, pirate captain Euron Greyjoy.[45] Members of the Icelandic band Of Monsters and Men made cameo appearances.[92]Ricky Champ played Gatins, an outlaw who is a part of a band using religion to justify extorting the people of the countryside.[41] A young Ned Stark was portrayed by Sebastian Croft in a flashback scene.[93]

    The sixth season also included a traveling theater troupe located in Braavos that stages a play called 'The Bloody Hand', about the events that have taken place in King's Landing since the beginning of the series. Essie Davis and Kevin Eldon joined the cast in this theater troupe, portraying actors playing Cersei Lannister and Ned Stark, respectively, while Richard E. Grant was cast as the troupe's manager.[59][73][94] Members of Icelandic indie band Of Monsters and Men appear as the musicians of the Braavos theatre group.[95]


    The soundtrack for the season was digitally released on June 24, 2016, and was released on CD on July 29, 2016.[96] The album reached #27 on the Billboard 200,[97]#1 on Soundtrack chart,[98] and #79 on the Canadian Albums chart on its digital release,[99] with the track from the season finale 'Light of the Seven' reaching #1 on Billboard's Spotify Viral 50 chart.[100]


    Critical response[edit]

    The season received highly positive reviews, with special praise directed at the episodes 'The Door', 'Battle of the Bastards' and 'The Winds of Winter'. On Metacritic, the season (based on the first episode) has a score of 73 out of 100 based on 9 reviews, indicating 'generally favorable reviews'.[101] On Rotten Tomatoes, the sixth season has a 94% approval rating from 34 critics with an average rating of 8.28 out of 10. The site's critical consensus reads, 'Bloody and captivating as always, Game of Thrones plunges back into the midst of a world touched by grief, dread, and precarious sexuality.'[102]

    Game of Thrones (season 6): Critical reception by episode
    • Season 6 (2016): Percentage of positive reviews tracked by the website Rotten Tomatoes[102]


    The season finale had 8.89 million viewers on its initial airing on HBO, up ten percent from the previous season's finale, which was the most-watched episode prior to this episode.[103] The average gross viewing figure per episode for the show, which include streaming, DVR recordings and repeat showings, reached over 25 million this season,[104] and it was described as the last consensus show on television.[105] The figure went up by 25% compared to previous year,[106] and viewing figures of the show this season on its on demand services HBO Now and HBO Go went up by over 90%, which were new records for HBO. Almost 40% of viewers of the show watched this season on HBO digital platforms.[104] The show also broke records on pay television channels in 2016 in the United Kingdom with an average audience of more than five million across all platforms,[107] and in Australia with a cumulative average audience of 1.2 million viewers.[108]

    No.TitleAir dateRating
    DVR viewers
    Total viewers
    1 'The Red Woman' April 24, 2016 4.0 7.94[5] 1.0 2.11 5.0 10.06[109]
    2 'Home' May 1, 2016 3.7 7.29[6] 0.9 1.92 4.6 9.20[110]1
    3 'Oathbreaker' May 8, 2016 3.7 7.28[7] 1.0 1.96 4.7 9.24[111]1
    4 'Book of the Stranger' May 15, 2016 3.9 7.82[8] 1.1 2.22 5.0 10.05[112]1
    5 'The Door' May 22, 2016 4.0 7.89[9] 1.4 2.76 5.4 10.65[113]
    6 'Blood of My Blood' May 29, 2016 3.2 6.71[10] 2.0 3.61 5.2 10.32[114]
    7 'The Broken Man' June 5, 2016 3.9 7.80[11] 1.5 2.81 5.4 10.61[115]
    8 'No One' June 12, 2016 3.9 7.60[12] 1.5 3.0 5.4 10.60[116]
    9 'Battle of the Bastards' June 19, 2016 3.8 7.66[13] 1.7 3.42 5.5 11.08[117]
    10 'The Winds of Winter' June 26, 2016 4.3 8.89[14] 1.6 3.19 5.9 12.08[118]

    ^1 Live +7 ratings were not available, so Live +3 ratings have been used instead.


    For the 32nd TCA Awards, the series was nominated for Program of the Year and Outstanding Achievement in Drama.[119] For the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards, the series received 23 nominations, the most of any series. It won 12 awards, including Outstanding Drama Series, David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series for 'Battle of the Bastards', and Miguel Sapochnik for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series for 'Battle of the Bastards'.[120][121] For the 7th Critics' Choice Television Awards, the series won for Best Drama Series.[122]

    2016 AFI Awards AFI TV Award Game of Thrones Won [123]
    32nd TCA Awards Outstanding Achievement in Drama Game of Thrones Nominated [119]
    Program of the Year Game of Thrones Nominated
    TV Choice Awards Best International Show Game of Thrones Won [124]
    Dragon Awards Best Science Fiction or Fantasy TV Series Game of Thrones Won [125]
    Gold Derby TV Awards 2016 Best Drama Series Game of Thrones Won [126]
    Ensemble of the Year The cast of Game of Thrones Nominated
    Best Drama Supporting Actor Kit Harington Won
    Best Drama Supporting Actress Lena Headey Won
    Best Drama Guest Actor Ian McShane Nominated
    Max von Sydow Nominated
    Best Drama Episode 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated
    'The Winds of Winter' Nominated
    Artios Awards Outstanding Achievement in Casting – Television Series Drama Nina Gold, Robert Sterne, Carla Stronge Nominated [127]
    EWwy Award Best Supporting Actress, Drama Sophie Turner Won [128]
    68th Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Drama Series Game of Thrones Won [120]
    Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister Nominated
    Kit Harington as Jon Snow Nominated
    Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen Nominated
    Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister Nominated
    Maisie Williams as Arya Stark Nominated
    Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series Jack Bender for 'The Door' Nominated
    Miguel Sapochnik for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    68th Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series Nina Gold, Robert Sterne, and Carla Stronge Won
    Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series Max von Sydow as Three-Eyed Raven Nominated
    Outstanding Cinematography for a Single-Camera Series Gregory Middleton for Home Nominated
    Outstanding Costumes for a Fantasy Series Michele Clapton, Chloe Aubry, Sheena Wichary for The Winds of Winter Won
    Outstanding Hairstyling for a Single-Camera Series Kevin Alexander, Candice Banks, Nicola Mount, Laura Pollock, Gary Machin, Rosalia Culora for The Door Nominated
    Outstanding Make-up for a Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic) Jane Walker, Kate Thompson, Nicola Mathews, Kay Bilk, Marianna Kyriacou, Pamela Smyth for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    Outstanding Production Design for a Fantasy Program Deborah Riley, Paul Ghirardani, Rob Cameron for Blood of My Blood, The Broken Man, and No One Won
    Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for a Series Jane Walker, Sarah Gower, Emma Sheffield, Tristan Versluis, Barrie Gower for The Door Won
    Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing for a Drama series Tim Porter for Battle of the Bastards Won
    Katie Weiland for Oathbreaker Nominated
    Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series Tim Kimmel, Tim Hands, Paul Bercovitch, Paula Fairfield, Bradley C. Katona, Michael Wabro, David Klotz, Brett Voss, Jeffrey Wilhoit, Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit for The Door Nominated
    Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Series Ronan Hill, Richard Dyer, Onnalee Blank, Mathew Waters for Battle of the Bastards Won
    Outstanding Special Visual Effects Steve Kullback, Joe Bauer, Adam Chazen, Derek Spears, Eric Carney, Sam Conway, Matthew Rouleau, Michelle Blok, Glenn Melenhorst for Battle of the Bastards Won
    Outstanding Stunt Coordination for a Series Rowley Irlam Won
    Outstanding Interactive Program Game of Thrones Main Titles 360 Experience Nominated
    Hollywood Professional Alliance Outstanding Sound Tim Kimmel, Paula Fairfield, Mathew Waters, Onnalee Blank, Bradley Katona, Paul Bercovitch for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [130]
    Outstanding Editing Tim Porter for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    Outstanding Visual Effects Joe Bauer, Eric Carney, Derek Spears, Glenn Melenhorst, Matthew Rouleau for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    Australian Production Design Guild Production Design for a Television Drama Deborah Riley Won [131]
    3D Award for Visual Effects Design Iloura for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won
    British Society of Cinematographers Best Cinematography in a Television Drama Fabian Wagner for 'The Winds of Winter' Nominated [132]
    ACO/BSC/GBCT Operators TV Drama Award Sean Savage, David Morgan & John Ferguson for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [133]
    American Society of Cinematographers Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography in Regular Series Fabian Wagner for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won [134]
    Anette Haellmigk for 'Book of the Stranger' Nominated
    7th Critics' Choice Television Awards Best Drama Series Game of Thrones Won [135]
    Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage Nominated
    Kit Harington Nominated
    Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series Emilia Clarke Nominated
    Lena Headey Nominated
    Most Bingeworthy Show Game of Thrones Nominated
    IGN Awards Best TV Series Game of Thrones Nominated [137]
    Best TV Episode 'The Winds of Winter' Nominated
    Best TV Drama Series Game of Thrones Nominated
    IGN People's Choice Award Best TV Series Game of Thrones Won [137]
    Best TV Episode 'The Winds of Winter' Won
    Best TV Drama Series Game of Thrones Won
    MTV Fandom Awards Fan Freak Out of the Year Game of Thrones – Resurrection of Jon Snow Nominated [138]
    International Film Music Critics Association Best Original Score for a Television Series Ramin Djawadi Won [139]
    Film Music Composition Of The Year Ramin Djawadi for 'Light of the Seven' Nominated [140]
    World Soundtrack Awards Television Composer of the Year Ramin Djawadi Nominated [141]
    2017 43rd People's Choice Awards Favorite Premium Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show Game of Thrones Nominated [142]
    Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress Emilia Clarke Nominated
    44th Annie Awards Outstanding Achievement, Character Animation in a Live Action Production Nicholas Tripodi, Dean Elliott, James Hollingworth, Matt Weaver for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [143]
    74th Golden Globe Awards Best Television Series – Drama Game of Thrones Nominated [145]
    Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Lena Headey Nominated
    21st Satellite Awards Best Supporting Actress – Series, Miniseries or Television Film Lena Headey Nominated [146]
    Best Television Series – Genre Game of Thrones Nominated
    Writers Guild of America Awards 2016 Episodic Drama David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for 'The Winds of Winter' Nominated [148]
    Television Drama Series David Benioff, Bryan Cogman, Dave Hill, D. B. Weiss Nominated
    23rd Screen Actors Guild Awards Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Drama Series Boian Anev, Kristina Baskett, Rachelle Beinart, Richard Bradshaw, Michael Byrch, Nick Chopping, Christopher Cox, Jake Cox, David Cronnelly, Matt Crook, Levan Doran, Bradley Farmer, Vladimir Furdik, Richard Hansen, Rob Hayns, Paul Howell, Rowley Irlam, Erol Ismail, Milen Kaleychev, Leigh Maddern, Jonathan McBride, Leona McCarron, Kim McGarrity, Richard Mead, Casey Michaels, Sian Milne, David Newton, Jason Otelle, Radoslav Parvanov, Ian Pead, Rashid Phoenix, Andy Pilgrim, Marc Redmond, Paul Shapcott, Jonny Stockwell, Ryan Stuart, Edward Upcott, Leo Woodruff Won [149]
    Outstanding Performance by An Ensemble in a Drama Series Alfie Allen, Jacob Anderson, Dean Charles Chapman, Emilia Clarke, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Liam Cunnungham, Peter Dinklage, Nathalie Emmanuel, Kit Harington, Lena Headey, Conleth Hill, Kristofer Hivju, Michiel Huisman, Faye Marsay, Jonathan Pryce, Sophie Turner, Carcie Van Houten, Gemma Whelan, Maisie Williams, Nominated
    Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage Nominated
    American Cinema Editors Awards 2017 Best Edited One-Hour Series For Non-Commercial Television Tim Porter for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won [150]
    Art Directors Guild Awards 2016 One-Hour Single Camera Period Or Fantasy Television Series Deborah Riley for 'Blood of My Blood', 'The Broken Man' and 'No One' Nominated [151]
    Producers Guild of America Awards 2016 The Norman Felton Award for Outstanding Producer of Episodic Television, Drama David Benioff, D. B. Weiss, Bernadette Caulfield, Frank Doelger, Carolyn Strauss, Bryan Cogman, Lisa McAtackney, Chris Newman, Greg Spence Nominated [152]
    Visual Effects Society Awards 2016 Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode Joe Bauer, Steve Kullback, Glenn Melenhorst, Matthew Rouleau, Sam Conway for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won [153]
    Outstanding Animated Performance in an Episode or Real-Time Project James Kinnings, Michael Holzl, Matt Derksen, Joseph Hoback for 'Battle of the Bastards' – Drogon Won
    Sebastian Lauer, Jonathan Symmonds, Thomas Kutschera, Anthony Sieben for 'Home' – Emaciated Dragon Nominated
    Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial or Real-Time Project Deak Ferrand, Dominic Daigle, François Croteau, Alexandru Banuta for 'Battle of the Bastards' – Meereen City Won
    Edmond Engelbrecht, Tomoka Matsumura, Edwin Holdsworth, Cheri Fojtik for 'The Winds of Winter' – Citadel Nominated
    Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal Project Patrick Tiberius Gehlen, Michelle Blok, Christopher Baird, Drew Wood-Davies for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated
    Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Episode, Commercial, or Real-Time Project Kevin Blom, Sasmit Ranadive, Wanghua Huang, Ben Andersen for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated
    Thomas Hullin, Dominik Kirouac, James Dong, Xavier Fourmond for 'Battle of the Bastards' – Meereen City Won
    Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode Thomas Montminy-Brodeur, Patrick David, Michael Crane, Joe Salazar for 'Battle of the Bastards' – Meereen City Nominated
    Dominic Hellier, Morgan Jones, Thijs Noij, Caleb Thompson for 'Battle of the Bastards' – Retaking Winterfell Won
    Eduardo Díaz, Aníbal Del Busto, Angel Rico, Sonsoles López-Aranguren for 'The Door' – Land of Always Winter Nominated
    Cinema Audio Society Awards Outstanding Achievement in Sound Mixing – Television Series – One Hour Ronan Hill, Onnalee Blank, Mathew Waters, Richard Dyer, Brett Voss for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won [155]
    69th Directors Guild of America Awards Dramatic Series Miguel Sapochnik for 'Battle of the Bastards' Won [156]
    USC Scripter Award Best Adapted Screenplay David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for 'The Winds of Winter' Nominated [157]
    Hollywood Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist Guild Awards Best Period and/or Character Makeup – Television Jane Walker, Kay Bilk Won [158]
    Best Period and/or Character Hair Styling – Television Kevin Alexander, Candice Banks Won
    Best Special Makeup Effects – Television Barrie Gower, Sarah Gower Nominated
    Costume Designers Guild Awards Outstanding Fantasy Television Series Michele Clapton, April Ferry Won [159]
    Dorian Awards TV Drama of the Year Game of Thrones Nominated [160]
    22nd National Television Awards Best Drama Game of Thrones Nominated [161]
    Golden Reel Awards Best Sound Editing in Television, Short Form: FX/Foley Tim Kimmel, Brett Voss, John Matter, Jeffrey Wilhoit, Dylan Wilhoit, Paula Fairfield and Bradley Katona for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [163]
    Best Sound Editing in Television, Short Form: Dialogue / ADR Tim Kimmel and Tim Hands for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated
    Best Sound Editing in Television, Short Form: Music David Klotz for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated
    Society of Camera Operators Awards Camera Operator of the Year – Television Sean Savage Nominated [164]
    Zulu Awards Best Actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Nominated [165]
    Canadian Society of Cinematographers TV Series Cinematography Gregory Middleton for 'Home' Won [166]
    Location Managers Guild Awards LMGI Award for Outstanding Locations in Period Television Matt Jones and Naomi Liston Nominated [167]
    43rd Saturn Awards Best Fantasy Television Series Game of Thrones Nominated [168]
    Best Supporting Actor on Television Kit Harington Nominated
    Best Actress on Television Lena Headey Nominated
    22nd Empire Awards Best TV Series Game of Thrones Nominated [169]
    Irish Film & Television Academy Best Television Drama Game of Thrones Nominated [170]
    Actor in a Supporting Role – Television Liam Cunningham Nominated
    Best Sound Game of Thrones Nominated
    Best VFX Game of Thrones Nominated
    Webby Award Best Overall Social Presence Game of Thrones Won [171]
    Unscripted (Branded) 'Battle of the Bastards' Featurette Won [172]
    Hugo Award Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form David Benioff (writer), D. B. Weiss (writer), and Miguel Sapochnik (director) for 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [173]
    David Benioff (writer), D. B. Weiss (writer), and Jack Bender (director) for 'The Door' Nominated
    2017 MTV Movie & TV Awards Show Of The Year Game of Thrones Nominated [174]
    Best Actor In A Show Emilia Clarke Nominated
    Tearjerker Hodor's (Kristian Nairn) Death Nominated
    2017 British Academy Television Awards Must-See Moment 'Battle of the Bastards' Nominated [175]
    Glamour Awards Best UK TV Actress Sophie Turner Won [176]



    The season was simulcast around the world by HBO and its broadcast partners. While in some countries, it aired the day after its first release.[177]


    On November 23, 2015, a teaser poster displaying Jon Snow was released on the official Game of ThronesTwitter account.[178] A 41-second teaser trailer was released on December 3, featuring Jon Snow from the fifth season episode 'Hardhome', as well as many of the previous seasons' highlights, and a voice-over from Max von Sydow as the Three-Eyed Raven and Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark.[179] The first footage from the season was revealed in a new promotional video released by HBO highlighting its new and returning original shows for the coming year on December 6, 2015, showcasing scenes involving Daenerys Targaryen, Ramsay Bolton, Cersei Lannister, and Tommen Baratheon.[180] On December 28, 2015, Entertainment Weekly released its 'Exclusive First Look' issue, featuring an image of Bran Stark, who was noticeably older from his last appearance in season four, and with shorter hair.[181]

    On January 22, 2016, three teaser trailers were released, with each teaser depicting the banners of the houses Targaryen, Lannister and Stark, and included voice-overs by Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton, Jonathan Pryce as The High Sparrow and an unknown character speaking in Dothraki.[182] On February 11, 2016, HBO released 28 exclusive photos from the sixth season, picturing several of the main characters during the season and confirming the fates of Theon, Sansa and Myrcella, while Jon Snow was notably absent.[44] HBO released a teaser trailer on February 14, 2016, that shows the faces of a number of living as well as deceased characters such as Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Stannis Baratheon, Ygritte and, controversially, Jon Snow in the House of Black and White.[183] On February 24, 2016, HBO released 16 character posters of both deceased and alive characters, and two official posters featuring various characters.[184]

    A behind-the-scenes video of the sixth season was released on February 29, 2016, focusing on camera operators working on the show.[185] The first official trailer for season 6 was released on March 8, 2016.[34] Another behind-the-scenes video was released on March 22, 2016, focusing on the creative process of prosthetics, specifically the White Walkers. The video also contained new footage of White Walkers from the sixth season.[186] On March 24, Entertainment Weekly revealed a series of new issues titled 'Dame of Thrones', featuring six of the female lead characters from the series and focus on the sixth season.[187] On March 26, 2016, new photos from season six, in addition to a new promo named 'March Madness' with new footage, was released by HBO.[188][189] After the screening of the season premiere 'The Red Woman', HBO released a second official trailer.[35] As well, in July 2016, HBO released a 'blooper reel' online, a video of outtakes from season 6.[190]

    After the Thrones[edit]

    After the Thrones, a liveaftershow in which hosts Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan discuss episodes of the series, airs on the stand-alone streaming service HBO Now on the Monday following each episode of the show's sixth season.[191]

    Home media[edit]

    The season was released on Blu-ray and DVD on November 15, 2016.[192] The set includes extra background, behind-the-scenes material and deleted scenes.[192]

    Game of Thrones: The Complete Sixth Season
    Set detailsSpecial features
    • Format: AC-3, Blu-ray, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen
    • Language: English, French, Castilian, German
    • Subtitles: English, French, Castilian, German, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish
    • 16:9 aspect ratio
    • 5-disc set, 10 episodes
    • '18 Hours At The Paint Hall': Follow all three shooting units as they converge in this behind-the-scenes snapshot of a day in the life of the largest show on television.
    • 'The Battle Of The Bastards': An In-Depth Look – Behind-the-scenes piece examining the production challenges of creating this epic event, including explorations of VFX, stunts, and interviews with key cast and crew.
    • 'Recreating The Dothraki World': Behind-the-scenes piece looking at the creation of Vaes Dothrak and its importance to Dany's evolution.
    • 13 audio commentaries by, among others, Benioff, Weiss, Dinklage, Headey, Harington, Coster-Waldau, Turner and more.

    Blu-ray exclusive:

    • 'In-Episode Guide': In-feature resource that provides background information about on-screen characters, locations and relevant histories.
    • 'Histories & Lore': Learn about the mythology of Westeros as told from the varying perspectives of the characters themselves, includes 18 history pieces.[192]
    DVD release dates
    Region 1Region 2Region 4
    November 15, 2016[192][193] November 14, 2016[194] November 16, 2016[195]

    Copyright infringement[edit]

    The sixth season of Game of Thrones was the most-pirated TV series in 2016.[196]


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    External links[edit]

    • Game of Thrones – official US site
    • Game of Thrones – official UK site
    • List of Game of Thrones episodes on IMDb
    • List of Game of Thrones episodes at TV.com
    • Game of Thrones: Season 6 at Rotten Tomatoes

    Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Game_of_Thrones_(season_6)&oldid=901322364'